Pregnancy and Delivery: Seasonal Variations
Many women who struggle to get pregnant are happy to have their pregnancy whenever it happens to come along. However, there are a number of sources out there that talk about when a baby is born during the year can have an affect on different aspects of their life. I found this interesting article about how the season of birth may affect infant growth. Read More:"The season in which a baby is born may influence the baby's birth weight as well as how quickly the baby gains weight during the first four months of life. A study published in the May issue of the Journal of Nutrition found significant differences among U.S. ethnic groups, with lower birth weights and lower rates of weight gain for black infants born in autumn, compared to other seasons.
"To our knowledge, this is the first description of seasonal variation in infant weight gain in a western society. Previous studies have focused on birth weight or on infant growth in low-income countries where food intake is directly linked to agriculture and the seasons," said Nicolas Stettler, M.D., a pediatric specialist at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and a co-author of this study."